The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences

Catalogue of Demonstrations

The demonstrations in this index include nearly all of the PIRA 200, as well as some local favorites.

The PIRA 200 represent the physics demonstrations most commonly used by major universities in the United States. Other demos outside of the Physics Instruction Resource Association’s Top 200 are so noted.

You can click on a demonstration’s name to view a description and other details about that demo.

To request one or more demos, you must first log in as an authorized instructor.

Demo requests are due before we close on the weekday afternoon prior to your class date. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, excepting holidays. Same-day demo requests are problematic for all involved.

PIRA Category Index
Area Topic
1: Mechanics 1A — Measurement
1C — Motion in One Dimension
1D — Motion in Two Dimensions
1F — Newton’s First Law
1G — Newton’s Second Law
1H — Newton’s Third Law
1J — Statics of Rigid Bodies
1K — Applications of Newton’s Laws
1L — Gravity
1M — Work and Energy
1N — Linear Momentum and Collisions
1Q — Rotational Dynamics
1R — Properties of Matter
1S — Orbital Mechanics
2: Fluid Mechanics 2A — Surface Tension
2B — Fluid Statics
2C — Fluid Dynamics
3: Oscillations and Waves 3A — Oscillations
3B — Wave Motion
3C — Acoustics
3D — Instruments
4: Thermodynamics 4A — Thermal Properties of Matter
4B — Heat and the First Law
4C — Change of State
4D — Kinetic Theory
4E — Gas Law
4F — Entropy and the Second Law
5: Electricity and Magnetism 5A — Electrostatics
5B — Electric Fields and Potential
5C — Capacitance
5D — Resistance
5F — DC Circuits
5G — Magnetic Materials
5H — Magnetic Fields and Forces
5J — Inductance
5K — Electromagnetic Induction
5L — AC Circuits
5N — Electromagnetic Radiation
6: Optics 6A — Geometric Optics
6B — Photometry
6C — Diffraction
6D — Interference
6F — Color
6H — Polarization
6J — The Eye
7: Modern Physics 7A — Quantum Effects
7B — Atomic Physics
7D — Nuclear Physics

PIRA Section 1: Mechanics

1L — Gravity

1L10.20 Universal Gravitation Constant: Cavendish Balance Model (Demo cannot be performed in lecture hall; can only be used as a prop)

1L10.30 Space-Time Simulator

1L10.40 Rotating Black Hole

1S — Orbital Mechanics

1S10.10 Kepler’s Second Law (PPE required)

PIRA Section 2: Fluid Mechanics

PIRA Section 3: Oscillations and Waves

PIRA Section 4: Thermodynamics

PIRA Section 5: Electricity and Magnetism

PIRA Section 6: Optics

6F — Color

6F10.10 Synthesis of Color: Projecting Colored Filters

6F40.10 Scattering: Sunset (Call for availability; bring your own milk)

PIRA Section 7: Modern Physics

7B — Atomic Physics

7B10.10 Spectra: Atomic Spectra