1R20.15 • Tensile and Compressive Stress: Young’s Modulus
Location: Floor Demo
Photo Shows the Demonstration Used by the University of Texas at Austin.
Instructions and Notes:
- A solid steel wire is wrapped around a rotating axle that has a mirror attached to it.
- A laser beam shines into the mirror and is reflected back towards a reference point.
- At the bottom of the wire is a 1 kg hanger to which additional kilogram masses can be added. Two 2kg masses are available for this.
- Adding weight to the bottom of the hanger stretches the wire, causing the angle of reflection to change. TO AVOID BREAKING THE WIRE, DO NOT EXCEED 5KG
- Take note of the degree measurements after each weight is added to the hanger.
- As you remove the masses, students can observe where the reflected beam returns to.
- Note: Have this demo face a wall such that the red light can be seen.
Last updated on February 27, 2025