1L10.30 • Space-Time Simulator
Location: Cabinet 11
Photos show the demonstration used at the University of Texas at Austin.
Concepts Conveyed:
- A visual and conceptual way to connect Newtonian gravity to Einstein's conception of space-time.
Instructions / Notes:
- It shows how matter tells space how to bend and how space tells matter how to move.
- To visualize Kepler's laws, toss a couple marbles to demonstrate a solar system with planetary motion.
- Model a gravitational slingshot by tossing a smaller marble onto the fabric and waiting a few seconds to toss a larger ball to alter the marble's pass and speed.
- Demonstrate doppler wobble by tossing two balls similar in mass and size.
- Use two smaller ball bearings to create a binary system and toss marbles to show co-rotation(this one rarely works but you can try!)
Last updated on February 24, 2025